There are two things that could possibly happen after purchasing a web hosting service from us:
- If you paid via Paypal, your web hosting account will be provisioned automatically in a few minutes. You will receive a welcome email with the details on how to access your account. If you also purchased a domain name, the domain name will be activated within 24 hours. While waiting for it. You can start using our service via a temporary domain/access provided on that email. If you are a beginner, we suggest you view this video to get yourself familiarized with our control panel.
- If you paid via bank deposit as instructed on the invoice, you need to send to [email protected] the scanned copy of your validated deposit slip. Once we receive the proof of payment, your account will be provisioned within 24 hours together with your domain name. A welcome email will be sent once the account is ready containing all the details of your account.
If you have registered a new domain, expect an ICANN verification email. The verification process needs to be followed otherwise failure to verify your domain ownership will result in suspension of your account.
For additional help, you can search our knowledge base or send us a ticket for support.
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